Jacqueline Guzman (Director of Leased Housing) ext. 112
Sabrina Eschman (Assistant Director of Leased Housing) ext. 102
Judi Marraffa (Section 8 Coordinator) ext. 107
Julissa Cespedes (Section 8 Coordinator) ext. 104
Katherine Danielle Doody (Section 8 Coordinator) ext. 105
Maureen Thomas (Director of Public Housing) ext. 103
Joshua Bocko (Assistant Director of Public Housing) ext. 118
Alexandra Rodriguez (Property Manager) ext. 117
Lilly Rojas (Property Manager) ext. 109
Maria Quinones-Ufret (Administrative Housing Coordinator) ext. 125
Sherry Myslinski (Charter Street Office Receptionist) ext. 100
Lilly Davidson (Canal Street Office Receptionist) ext. 121
Gary Dean (Director of Maintenance) ext. 116
Luis Lopez (Facilities Operations Manager) ext. 120
Kathlyn Valianti (339) 225-5492
Mary Ann Kairouz (978) 490-0057
Massiel Garcia (Director of Finance) ext. 106
Beverly Larrabee (Accounting Coordinator) ext. 114
Elizabeth Goyette (Accounting Coordinator) ext. 108